Mount Semeru



Ranu Pani

4 – 6 hours

Fairly Crowded

Very Strenuous

What high mountains have you trekked so far? If you are challenged by mountain hiking, then you must try to beat the Semeru trail, a trek that requires an exceptional level of endurance.

Mount Semeru

Mount Semeru is located in the area of the National Park Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS), which is administratively located in the district of Lumajang and Malang city, East Java. The highest peak of this mountain is called Puncak Mahameru or Mahameru’s summit, which has a height of 3,676 meters above sea level. Semeru is the highest mountain on the island of Java. In cosmology Hindu, Semeru is defined as the center of the universe highway. The mountain is famously known as the dwelling place of gods. Having the title as the highest mountain on the island gives every climber who can conquer this peak some pride. You can climb Mount Semeru 24/7, but it is always recommended to hike it in drought season, from June until September. While in the rainy season, there could be, in all likelihood, an erosion that could endanger hikers.

How you get there

There are two options for going to this mountain.

1. Personal vehicles – Malang to Ranu Pani

You can depart from Malang city to the nearest village. If using personal vehicles, you can advance to the direction of Tumpang – Poncokusumo – Shack – Klakah – Ngadas until arriving in the village of Ranu Pani. This trip takes about four hours. Ranu Pani is famously known as a climbing starting point for climbers.

2. Public transportation – Arjosari Bus Station to Tumpang

Meanwhile, if you use public transportation, you can start by taking the minibus with the code AT written on the bus, from Arjosari Station in Malang to Tumpang market. After that, you can hire a jeep or request a lift from random drivers on the street to drop you at Ranu Pani village. A jeep rental costs IDR 14,000 per person or IDR 550,000 per car, with a car capacity of around 14 people.

What you can enjoy

Neighboring Mount Bromo, Mount Semeru also shares similar patterns of mountainous beauty in terms of sunrise enchantment. However, Semeru offers other charms of nature.

1. Village Ranu Pani

At the beginning of the climb, you will be welcomed by the beauty of the village of Ranu Pani that exists on the slopes of Mount Semeru. It is one of the highest villages in Indonesia at an altitude of 2,100 meters above sea level before reaching Semeru’s peak. Since it is naturally beautiful and the locals, Tribe Tengger, are very friendly and warm-hearted, climbers have become attached to the village.

2. Beauty of lake Ranu Kumbolo

From the village of Ranu Pani, you will continue your journey by walking for around 4-5 hours to get to Ranu Kumbolo, a spectacular lake where hikers usually enjoy their break. Ranu Kumbolo is also the main reason why people trek Mount Semeru as you can camp overnight here at the edge of the lake.

3. Sunrise attraction

Departing from Kalimati to Mahameru may take four to six hours. The path is sandy and steep, so you must be very careful so that you don’t fall off since, at this point, it could have consumed quite much of your stamina and focus. After passing a challenging journey, your hard work will pay off with the beautiful scenery that climbers get at Mahameru. If the weather is supportive, you can enjoy the secret of the sunrise. In addition, you can also see views of Mount Bromo, Mount Raung and Jonggring Saloka Crater. But you should not be lulled because at nine in the morning, you should get off to avoid bursts of gas toxic.

Advice: Be well prepared, both physically and mentally, as it takes four days to travel Mount Semeru round trips.

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