ADP: U S. added 107,000 private jobs in January as hiring slows

The jobs report and pay insights, based on the payroll transactions of over 25 million U.S. workers, will provide a representative picture of the U.S. labor market each month. The coronavirus pandemic prompted seismic shifts in the U.S. economy and labor market, highlighting the need for access to near-real-time data for reliable measurement. ADP’s anonymized, person-level payroll data provide a comprehensive and fine-grained measure of U.S. employment, one that will deliver better insight into today’s labor market. The new NER will provide business leaders, researchers, and policymakers with a reliable read on the economy and the direction of work. Using fine-grained data, this new measure will deliver a richer labor market analysis that will help answer key economic and business questions and offer insights relevant to a broader audience. The release comes two days ahead of the Labor Department’s nonfarm payrolls report, which is expected to show growth of 185,000, against the 216,000 increase in December.

To the extent that this material discusses general market activity, industry or sector trends or other broad-based economic or political conditions, it should not be construed as research or investment advice. To the extent that it includes references to specific securities, commodities, currencies, or other instruments, those references do not constitute a recommendation by IBKR to buy, sell or hold such investments. This material does not and is not intended to take into account the particular financial conditions, investment objectives web application architecture best practices or requirements of individual customers. Before acting on this material, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and, as necessary, seek professional advice. ADP produces a weekly-frequency data series for jobs in each week, while BLS produces a monthly-frequency data series for jobs in the week that includes the 12th of the month. The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) provides a quarterly count of Paid Employment reported by employers covering more than 95 percent of U.S. jobs.

The new National Employment Report is intended as an independent measure of private-sector employment. It is not intended to forecast the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) non-farm payrolls report. We use historical ADP payroll data to construct longitudinal data on weekly employment and create a model for seasonal adjustment of weekly employment data. We apply the estimated model to the ADP NER weekly employment data series to create a seasonally adjusted data series for weekly employment. For Payroll Employment, each week’s snapshot reports the number of employees on payroll at the company that week.

  1. This is important information for investors; the stock market will sometimes take wild swings based on these reports.
  2. The coronavirus pandemic prompted seismic shifts in the U.S. economy and labor market, highlighting the need for access to near-real-time data for reliable measurement.
  3. Securities or other financial instruments mentioned in the material posted are not suitable for all investors.
  4. “No single industry dominated hiring this month, and big post-pandemic pay increases seem to be behindus,” said ADP’s chief economist, Nela Richardson.

For Paid Employment, each week’s snapshot reports on payroll transactions at the company during that week. ADP collects data through the payroll services and benefits administration it provides to companies. It issues reports on its findings through a partnership with Moody’s Analytics.

Have each one tune into a different financial network and take a drink when the phrase “Friday’s key non-farm payrolls report” or similar is mentioned. The game certainly won’t win over the cool frat boys, though, not least because it could end very quickly on a day like today. Streamline is a cloud-based platform that leverages ADP’s network of in-country payroll experts. Not only can it help you remain compliant, it can also provide more data and visibility into payroll workflows. With multiple offices and thousands of employees spread out among them, making sure HR is in order can be quite a task. The ADP offerings in this category are designed to help large businesses handle all of their talent management needs and strategic objectives.

ADP National Employment Report – Explained

The jobs report also includes important data on pay rates and measures the change in annual pay. ADP collects anonymized data from the payroll services it provides to over 25 million U.S. workers, creating an accurate picture of the current state of employment. The report itself tracks the total private employment numbers over the course of a month and makes a note of all changes.

When the ADP releases positive economic data, investors can expect that the government data will follow suit regarding the number of jobs added to the economy. ADP, or Automatic Data Processing, Inc., provides payroll and human resources services for businesses of all sizes. Estimates have ADP handling payroll for a fifth of all employees working for a private employer in the U.S. The number of people that are employed can tell us a lot about the state of the economy. Total employment and the rate of unemployment are used to determine when the economy is in a recession. The chart below illustrates the monthly changes in nonfarm private employment data since 2002.

What Is the ADP National Employment Report?

The ADP National Employment Report (NER) presents independent measures of the U.S. labor market based on ADP payroll data covering more than half a million companies with more than 25 million employees. Economists and investors use various reports to understand the U.S. economy’s health and to get an idea of where we’re all headed. This is important information for investors; the stock market will sometimes take wild swings based on these reports.

Leisure and hospitality posted the biggest increase, with an addition of 28,000 workers, while trade, transportation and utilities added 23,000, and construction rose by 22,000. Services-providing companies were responsible for 77,000 jobs, with goods producers adding the rest. Securities or other financial instruments mentioned in the material posted are not suitable for all investors. Before making any investment or trade, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and, as necessary, seek professional advice. The platform can either integrate with your HR or ERP solution, or can be purchased as a stand-alone offering.

Or, more significantly, it could be that market nihilism means that investors simply don’t care or that the Goldilocks effect will allow investors to create a market-friendly narrative out of statistics no matter what. That appeared to be the case for previous releases, something we wrote about in the aftermath of the May 2021 numbers. It will be interesting to see how markets react to the Friday’s numbers, considering that September has been a historically rocky time for investors. Unfortunately, today’s ADP report fails to provide clarity toward that outcome. Payroll Employment shows how many people have an attachment to an employer in the labor market, while Paid Employment shows how many people are actively working and earning income in the labor market at any given time. The relationship between the two measures may vary across segments of the labor market (e.g., industry, geography, company size) or over time (e.g., recession, pandemic, natural disaster).

ADP Streamline Payroll

It is the benchmark measure of employment in the U.S., but it is reported with a lag of about five months after the end of the quarter. We also use a person-level database of payroll transactions that enables us to construct a matched-persons sample to measure changes in wages or earnings over time. We use a business-level database that provides aggregated counts of employment at the level of an ADP Payroll Account. As an approximation, we consider a Payroll Account a business establishment (i.e., a company work location). Progress on inflation has brightened the economic picture despite a slowdown in hiring and pay.

The professional business, education, health services, and leisure and hospitality sectors gained 126,000 jobs. In addition to selling ADP’s cloud-based solutions to new clients, you will cross-sell solutions to existing clients, and effectively close sales from companies ranging from 1 — 49 employees. The analysis in this material is provided for information only and is not and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security.

We offer these findings as a unique contribution to making the world of work better and more productive by delivering actionable insights to the economy at large. Pay gains continued to shrink in JanuaryYear-over-year pay gains for job-stayers reached 5.2 percent in January, down from 5.4 percent in December. For job-changers, pay was up 7.2 percent, the smallest annual gain since May 2021.

More money is circulating, which triggers an increase in demand for goods and services, plus more job opportunities for people to help manufacture and sell them. Those December totals were accelerated by more leisure and hospitality hiring. ADP said then that the numbers showed a return to pre-pandemic labor market hiring. It also found that worker pay gains weakened slightly, with year-over-year pay for workers who remained in the same job fell to 5.2% in January, down from 5.4% the month prior. For people who changed jobs, however, pay was up 7.2% but marked the smallest yearly gain since May 2021. Private sector payroll growth increased modestly in October but missed expectations, in a potential sign that the employment picture could be darkening, ADP reported Wednesday.

One of the most crucial reports is the ADP National Employment Report because it shows employment trends. Find out more about this jobs report and why investors need to pay close attention to it. The NER uses ADP payroll data to provide a nationally representative measure of employment. This new approach differs from the former NER’s model-based methodology, which sought to forecast changes in the Current Employment Statistics monthly survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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