CIMA BA1 Notes: B2bcd Elasticity of Demand

The point elasticity is thus measured by the ratio of the lower segment of the curve below the given point to the upper segment (the upper part) of the curve above the point. According to this method the Elasticity of Demand is measured between two points in the same demand curve. Thus, by this method both new and old demand and price are studied. The cross elasticity of demand arc method of elasticity of demand depends on the nature of cross demand between the two commodities under consideration X and Y. The numerical value of the elasticity here will depend upon the substitutability of the two commodities. This demand is the ratio of the proportionate change in the quantity demanded of a commodity X in response to a given proportionate change in the price of some related commodity Y.

  1. So, we have understood that the difference between point and arc elasticity lies in the size of the change in price and quantity demanded.
  2. To solve the above-mentioned inconsistency, the arc elasticity of demand can be used.
  3. Arc elasticity is also defined as the elasticity between two points on a curve.
  4. This shows elastic demand or elasticity of demand greater than unitary.
  5. When a point is taken on the straight line demand curve, it divides the straight line demand curve into two segments (parts).

Arc elasticity measures the responsiveness of demand to price changes over a range of values. The magnitude of change in price and demand is divided by its midpoint to arrive at a measure of change over a curve rather than at a point. Therefore, it is true for small movements only from one point to another along the demand curve. Conversely, when the changes in price and quantity are discrete and large, we need to calculate elasticity over an arc of the demand curve. Arc price elasticity of demand tends to measure the responsiveness of the quantity demanded in relation to the price of the product. But if the change in price is not infinitesimally small, if the change is by a considerable amount, then move to another point on the demand curve which is somewhat away from the initial point.

Arc elasticity

On the basis of this formula, we can measure arc elasticity of demand when there is a movement either from point P to M or from M to P. With the help of the point method, it is easy to point out elasticity at any point along a demand curve. Five points L, M, N, P and Q are taken on this demand curve. The elasticity of demand at each point can be known with the help of the above method. (ii) Let us measure elasticity by moving in the reverse direction.

Difference between price elasticity of demand and arc price elasticity of demand [duplicate]

If the monopolist believes that the demand for a product is inelastic, then the demand for that product should not decrease significantly with a price increase. Demand is INELASTIC over the demand range considered, because the price elasticity of demand (ignoring the minus sign) is less than 1. Elasticity is the responsiveness of the quantity demanded, as a result of a change in price. In other words, it is the rate of change in the quantity demanded with respect to the rate of change in price. One can neither take the initial price nor the final price as a base.

Formula – How to calculate Arc Elasticity

Consider the price-quantity combinations P and Mas given in Table. (iii) Next, it is based upon the partial equilibrium analysis. For instance, while calculating the price elasticity of demand of a commodity, the prices of other commodities, income of the consumers etc., are assumed to be constant. The price and quantity demanded relationship compel us to deduce the various types of price elasticity of demand.

The elasticity of demand that is obtained in the case of this price change is called the arc-elasticity of demand—here over the arc R1R2 of the demand curve. Arc elasticity of demand calculates elasticity at the midpoint between two chosen points on the demand curve. This is done by using the midpoint between the quantities and prices of the two points. The measurement of elasticity of demand in terms of the total outlay method is explained in Fig. 5 where we divide the relationship between price elasticity of demand and total expendi­ture into three stages.

Price discriminators charge different prices for providing the same goods or services. For example, business trips are essential, and thus the business travelers’ demand is inelastic. So, an airline company can set a high price for business travelers. As a result, airfare for business travelers is typically higher than airfare for leisure travelers. This measures the responsiveness of demand compared to the starting or initial demand and price. An alternative to point elasticity is the arc elasticity which tells you what the elasticity is between the two points.

One must note that, at the corner point, i.e. end of the segment, elasticity equals zero. And, at the top, i.e. at the beginning of the segment, elasticity equals infinity. If you’d like to ask a question about the elasticities, microeconomics, macroeconomics or any other topic or comment on this story, please use the feedback form.

Using Arc elasticity of demand

Less is the elasticity of demand higher the incidence and vice-versa. In case of inelastic or less elastic demand, the consumers have to buy the commodity and must bear the tax. Marshall also suggested another method called the geometrical method of measuring price elasticity at a point on the demand curve. The simplest way of explaining the point method is to consider a straight line (linear demand curve). Let the straight line demand curve be extended to meet the two axes.

When calculating elasticity of demand there are two possible ways. Since we’re concerned with the absolute values in price elasticity, the negative sign is ignored. You can conclude that the price elasticity of this good, when the price decreases from $10 to $8, is 2.5.

The concept of elasticity of demand explains the paradox of poverty amidst plenty. Price decreases from $8 to $6, quantity demanded increases from 20 units to 40 units. The arc elasticity is used when there is not a general function for the relationship of two variables, but two points on the relationship are known. In contrast, calculation of the point elasticity requires detailed knowledge of the functional relationship and can be calculated wherever the function is defined.

Price elasticity of demand gauges how responsive the quantity demanded of a product or service is to a price change. This metric is calculated by dividing the percentage change in quantity demanded by the percentage change in price. This definition explains both the conditions whether an increase in price or decrease in it has its effect on the quantity demanded less and more as the case may be. When the price of a commodity falls and as a result of it and if the demand rises unexpectedly high, it is highly elastic demand. On the other hand when even an unprecedented fall in price does not increase much or increases the demand a little, it is inelastic demand. If as a result of fall or rise in price, if the demand changes proportionately, it is unit elasticity.

We can now fill in the two percentages in this equation using the figures we calculated earlier. This approach provides a more precise representation of elasticity across an entire curve. Here, x represents the quantity of a good demanded or supplied, while y pertains to its corresponding price. Currently, they sell 100 cups of coffee per day at a price of $2 per cup. Due to an increase in the cost of coffee beans, the business decides to raise the price of a cup of coffee to $2.50.

(ii) While the elasticity co-efficient remain invariant when we change the scales, they do not remain invariant when we change the origin. Since there are no neutral zeros from which we measure economic magnitudes, the elasticity co-efficient are essentially arbitrary. Thus, we have in economic analysis such concepts as exports, net purchases, quantity of the inputs supplied etc., all of which are differences measured from arbitrary bases. This concept is also of great significance in international trade policies, i.e., in the calculation of the terms of trade. By terms of trade we mean the rate at which a unit of domestic commodity will be exchanged for unit of another commodity of another country. The terms of trade are determined by reference to the mutual elasticities of demand of the two countries for each other goods.

According to this relationship there are five types of price elasticity. Arc elasticity is an alternative approach to measure elasticity rather than using price elasticity. Based on whether elasticity is equal to, greater than, or less than one, demand is considered unit elastic, elastic, and inelastic. Elasticity of demand can be used to understand a customer’s willingness to pay and price products in a way that maximizes profits. Point elasticity is the price elasticity of demand at a specific point on the demand curve instead of over a range of it.

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