Mount Bromo



Comoro Lawang

30 – 60 minutes



If you are a real mountain lover, then you will not miss this popular sunset-watching spot that never fails to captivate visitors with its panoramic views. Mount Bromo will also kill and banish your boredom. Before you hike Mount Bromo, you can read this article to get closer to its beauty.

Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo is located on the island of East Java, Indonesia. This mountain with a height of 2,392 meters above sea level is very unique because there is a wide and deep crater hole in the middle. The name Bromo itself comes from the Sanskrit language, namely Brahma. It is the name of one of the Hindu Gods embraced by the Tengger tribe, a community native who inhabits the plains high around the area of the mountains Bromo-Tengger-Semeru, East Java. Bromo is one of the Indonesian volcanoes that is still active and quite popular as one of the tourist destinations. It attracts not only many travelers abroad but also local visitors coming from various regions. It is a must-destination journey for lovers of photography. Despite its location which is not easy to reach, it has a beauty that pampers the eyes and spread the attractiveness of its own. Mount Bromo is still situated within the National Park Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) area that is maintained and protected. You can also visit other several mountains around this park. Some that are adjacent to it are Mount Batok (2,440 m), Mount Penanjakan (2,770 m), Mount Semeru (3,676 m) and Mount Widodaren (2,614 m).       

How you get there

There are generally 3 ways to reach Mount Bromo.

1. Probolinggo route, the easiest and best way      

This trail is the most convenient way for you who are not so experienced with the path of the mountain that is winding serpentine. It can be reached from Surabaya or Malang. The path is more gently sloping and there are very few sharp bends. The journey from Probolinggo to Bromo within a distance of over 45 km takes approximately one-half hour. The nearest village to Bromo is Cemoro Lawang which usually takes 30 minutes to an hour walking.  

2. Pasuruan route, a suitable choice for those of you who enjoy mountain trails

This route is more serpentine and there are many sharp bends that you can conquer. So, you need to remain alert and keep safe during driving. You are not suggested to drive too fast when passing this lane because there are a lot of deep abysses. This line is close to Surabaya or Malang and can be reached in 1.5 hours from Malang and 2.5 hours from Surabaya to Pasuruan.

3. Malang – Tumpang trail, the closest option to the Bromo for you who like challenges      

This route takes a 1-hour drive from the Malang city center. Even though it’s nearer, this route is not recommended for those of you who use ordinary small cars, especially if you are not pro drivers. With the starting point in Malang, Tumpang within a distance of about 53 kilometers has fairly steep slopes. However, your arduous journey will be paid off with stunning natural tourism treats.

What you can enjoy

The national park covers around 50,276.3 ha. You will be offered various attractions around the park that you will miss someday.

1. Bromo summit

With a height of 2,392 meters above sea level, you can trek Mount Bromo and discover its beauty from the top of the mountain. But before that, you must pass 250 stairs. For the first time, you may be a little frightened as it’s a bit swooping. But don’t worry, it’s safe because you can hold a rope tied along the stairs and the path is wide enough for 2 people. On the summit, you will immediately feel the sensation of running on clouds.

2. Bromo crater

In addition to the beauty of the panorama from the top of Mount Bromo itself, another equally amazing thing you can discover is its crater.  You can deeply look into the depth of the wide crater with frothy sulfur and thick smoke emitting pungent odors. It might be an experience that you’ve never imagined before. With a diameter of about 800 meters horizontally and 600 meters vertically, Mount Bromo has been recognized as having the widest crater among other Indonesian volcanoes.

3. Rustle of sand

Mount Bromo is surrounded by volcanic desert sands whose breadth is about 6,290 ha. These are derived from the eruption of Mount Bromo which is now transformed into a sea of sand, and widely known by foreign tourists as ‘The Sea of Sand’. If you want to cross this Sea of Sand, it may be tough and exhausting because it is a plain area full of sand without any sheltered spots from the heat and dust. The sand can blow towards you, so it is always suggested to bring head and face protection. If you walk crossing this area when heading the Bromo’s peak, it will take you about 45-60 minutes.

4. Golden sunrise

Waiting for the golden sunrise on a heavenly height with a background of clouds and fog is what you will long for. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime moment for you to see heaven-like components that close. Visitors usually enjoy this special moment on Mount Penanjakan and King Kong hill. In addition to the two locations, some other spots offer the same views of the golden sunrise.

Advice: Avoid visiting Bromo during the weekend and arrive as early as possible before the sunrise, unless you want to jostle with other sunrise hunters and might end up getting a disadvantaged position.

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